Staircase and antique railings
Some times things must look right to feel right too; a roaring fire in an 18th century fireplace with your favourite old dog-eared book resting face down, on a Rococo leather chair. You can see the reflection of the flames in the French polish of a restored period grand piano, and towering grandly in the corner of the room, an antique staircase, oak hand rails twisting up to the next level. It just looks right, you feel right. One of my wordy, educated friends would describe it as:
A harmonious space is beautiful to behold. A period home featuring beautifully restored vintage flooring which lead on to a lovingly restored vintage staircase, giving the home back it’s authentic period feel.
The process:
The process of staircase restoration and antique railings restoration requires a great deal of focus, respect to the material and era of the home. Very much like completing a giant jigsaw puzzle, they need to be patiently disassembled piece by piece till they are carefully broken down into components, then reassembled in the same manner . Only in this careful way can we achieve a durable beauty that was conceived by the original artisan builders. To see an illustration of this process, scroll to the gallery at the bottom of the page.